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psjoin - concatenate PostScript files


psjoin - concatenate PostScript files


psjoin [ -a ] [ -s ] [ -p ] [ -h ] files...


psjoin concatenates several PostScript files and generate a single PostScript document. The output, concatenated PostScript document, will be written to the standard output.

The input PostScript files must comply with the DSC (Document Structuring Convention). psjoin can fail to work depends to the input PostScript file or combination of the input PostScript files.

psjoin is a Perl script and should work on most Unix-like platforms. I think it can work on other platforms including Microsoft Windows, but I don't know how.


Align first page of each documents to odd page, by inserting extra blank page after odd-paged documents - maybe useful when concatenating two-sided documents.

[ New (2003-11-30) ] Try to close unclosed save operators in the input files. This option may be useful when input PostScript files have save operators which doesn't have corresponding restore operators, and the joined PostScript file causes ``limitcheck'' PostScript error due to too deeply nested save operators.

[ New (2003-11-30) ] Force insert corresponding PostScript prolog/trailer codes into all pages. Normally, to reduce the size of the output file, psjoin try not to insert largest prolog/trailer codes repeatedly.

Display short description about the program and exit.

Download and Install (for Unix-like systems)

  1. Download the script file, psjoin version 0.3 (5kB).

  2. Store the script file in a directory in the command search path (e.g., /usr/local/bin).

  3. If path of the perl command on your system is not /usr/bin/perl, edit the first line of the script.

  4. Make the script file executable, by issuing ``chmod +x /the-directory/psjoin''.


psjoin is distributed as public domain.

See Also

psmerge (PSUtils)


Tom Sato <VEF00200@nifty.com>

by Tom Sato, 2002-07-18, 2003-11-30
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