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TkSnapshot - snap image on the screen

Screenshot of tksnapshot TkSnapshot provides facility to snap images displayed on the screen in the similar manner with Snapshot of OpenWindowsTM's DeskSetTM. Snapped images can be stored to files or printed to printer.

In general, ImageMagick will be used to snap or display images. If ImageMagick is not available, minimal facility will be provided using xwd and xwud.

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Select one of "Window", "Region" or "Screen" as "Snap Type", and click "Snap" button. Then, if "Window" is selected as "Snap Type", click the window to be snapped by mouse button 1. If "Region" is selected as "Snap Type", specify region to be snapped by pressing mouse button 1 and draging the mouse.

If "Snap Delay" is specified, snap will be performed after specified seconds are passed. If "Beep During Countdown" is set ON, bell will be sounds while this countdown.

If "Hide Window During Capture" is set ON, the TkSnapshot window will be hidden when snapping, and appears again after snap is completed.

Clicking "View..." after snap is completed will display the snapped image.

Save Snapped Images

Clicking "Save..." button after snap is completed will popup a window to specify filename and format to save the image.

Format can be selected from Sun Raster, GIF, PNG, PPM, XWD, etc., but ImageMagick (convert command) on your system must support the format to save in the format. If ImageMagick is not installed, format other than XWD will become unavailable.

Print Snapped Images

Clicking "Print..." button after snap is completed will popup a window to print the image. The image can be printed to PostScript printer by clicking "Print" button on this window after selecting destination, paper size, orientation, size, etc. The output can be saved to file, too.


by T.Sato, 2000/3/19