[ Home > Magnetic field from a 1m x 1m square radiating coil ]

Magnetic field from a 1m x 1m swuare radiating coil

Note: these graphs show calculated Z-axis (perpendicular to the radiating coil in X-Y plane) components of magnetic field strength, relative to the value at the center of the coil.

In a plane parallel to the radiating coil

Z = 0m

Z = 0.1m

Z = 0.2m

Z = 0.25m

Z = 0.35m

Z = 0.45m

In a plane perpendicular to the radiating coil

X = 0m

X = 0.1m

X = 0.25m

X = 0.35m

X = 0.45m

Outside the radiating coil

X = 0m

Magnetic field strength at center of rectangular coil

Magnetic field strength at center of rectangular coil of w × h (m) may be calculated with:
H = 2*(w/h+h/w)/(pi*sqrt(h^2+w^2)) I
For square coil of w × w (m), it may be simplfied to:
H = 2 sqrt(2) / (pi w) * I

Inductance of of rectangular coil

Inducatence of rectangular coil of w × h (m), made from conductor with radius r can be estimated with:

For square coil of w × w (m), it may be simplfied to:


2012-05-05, T.Sato